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CLEAR Scope Analysis

Our skin is much more complex than what we can see with the naked eye – that’s why we use CLEAR Scope Analysis here, at Clear Lab.

The CLEAR Scope Analysis is a powerful device with high performance imaging system that uses specialized lighting and camera technology to dive deep into your skin concerns at a cellular level, so that we can

See your skin like never before
Understand your skin
Understand your skin
Tailor the best treatment options for you
Tailor the best treatment options for you
Identify underlying skin concerns
Identify underlying skin concerns
Track your skin progress
Track your skin progress

See Your Skin
Like Never Before

See your skin like never before
Clear Scope Analysis

The CLEAR Scope Analysis will analyze your skin and generate eight images that allows us to examine

Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Wrinkles &
Fine Lines
Skin Texture
Skin Texture
UV Damage Area
UV Damage Area
Sensitive Area
Sensitive Area
Brown Skin
Brown Skin

The images are generated in less than a minute and our CLEARticians will explain what can be seen and provide personalized advice to address your concerns.

What CLEAR Scope Analysis can see

Understand your skin at a whole new level
Normal Skin Sun damage, redness, freckles 
and pigmentation
Sun damage, redness, freckles and pigmentation
Normal Skin See what lies beneath
See what lies beneath
Normal Skin Dehydration and all build up
Dehydration and all build up

We recommend you to come in for a CLEAR Scope Analysis at least twice a year to accurately track your skin progress and address any underlying skin concerns. This is the best way to ensure your skin remains at optimum health and see the difference a treatment has made for your skin.


During the analysis, a light will flash at the beginning of each photo. CLEAR Scope Analysis takes less than a minute to complete.

icon important Important

If you have light triggered epilepsy, are sensitive to flashing light, experience claustrophobia, please let our CLEARticians know and they will assist accordingly.


What is CLEAR Scope Analysis?

Using the insights gained from your CLEAR Scope Analysis, our CLEARticians will be able to make informed recommendations and tailor a customized plan specific to you and your concerns.

What are the benefits of an analysis?

Throughout your treatment with us, we can track your progress by comparing before and after images post treatment. Sometimes when you’re looking at your skin everyday, you don’t notice how much progress you and your skin have truly made.